• #3-689, Nagari Street, Srikalahasti, Chittor Dt, A.P, India.
  • +91 08578 222441
  • steps.ngo@gmail.com


Implemented STEPS AVAHAN PROJECT during 2004-2012 in Srikalahasti, Puttur, Thottambedu, Pichattur, Satyavedu sites .Supported by India HIV/AIDS Alliance funded by International HIV/AIDS Alliance, UK Target people are Female Sex Workers, Men Sex with Men their clients and partners, People Living with HIV/AIDS.


To Develop enabling environment, providing STI treatment and basic HIV care.

Project Activities:

It is an innovative program to reduce HIV infection, Reduction of STI Prevalence among Key Population and their clients. Increased condom usage amongst Sex Workers Increased empowerment of Sex Workers Committees and creation of an enabling environment. Empowerment of Key Population to follow safe sex behavior and practices. Provided clinical services for STI and opportunistic infections to the KPS.


Identified and recruited outreach workers from the Key population (KPS) to Identify the key population and developed rapport with the KPS.Developed drop in centers (DIC) for KPs to meet and discuss their problems. Clinics were established in DICs, Clinical services were provided for the sexually transmitted infections of key population and for opportunistic infections of PLHAs. Pre test and post test counseling provided for key population referred to area hospital for VCTC. Provided training for the KPS in correct usage condoms and the condoms are made available to them. Advocacy meetings conducted for Police, Administrators, Doctors, Media people. Exhibitions, stalls and Video shows arranged during festivals and IEC material distributed to create awareness about HIV/IDS among general population. Encouraged CBO formation among Key population.1 FSW CBO,1 MSM CBO, 1 PLHAs CBO were formed.

1150 High Risk Group Key population (HRGs) reached through our intervention.

20204 HRGs provided Medical checkups.

2918 Provided Asymptomatic treatment. 1353 HRGs provided STI treatment

2666 People tested at ICTC. Among them 68 are positive

689744 Number of free condoms distributed to High Risk Groups.

39500 General populations were created awareness about HIV/AIDS by organizing 32 programs.

178,899 Key populations reached through awareness raising activities such as behavior change communication sessions.

394 Hot spot level meetings and 160 DIC level meetings conducted with High Risk Groups (HRGs).

1080900 Outreach sessions conducted to HRGs

1244 HRGs participated in 13 Observational days events

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